
I started noticing the three letter words that appear in the random sequence of letters and numbers on license plates after my boyfriend, Nico, got his first car, and the license plate was 7AWW290.

“Aww, AWW, that’s cute.” Nico said to the man he bought the car from, but the guy didn’t get what he was talking about. He had never noticed anything unusual about his license plate. After that, I started noticing three letter words embossed into license plates everywhere. In traffic, on the freeway, biking, walking. I started taking photos of just plates with repeated letter pattens at first, AAA, BBB, CCC. But soon began documenting three letter words, acronyms, initialisms, and abbreviations. Friends and family started sending me three letter words too.

Noticing three letter words on license plates is about paying attention. Paying attention to the subtle patterns, symbols, and information in our every day lives. Looking intently at the world and in doing so finding meaning in the quiet, subtle layers of our lives. 


